Teeth Whitening

Do you want whiter teeth? If your teeth have been stained or discoloured by food and drink, smoking or natural ageing, our dentists could help to restore their natural whiteness through teeth whitening treatments.

Teeth whitening can cover up many common tooth stains and give you a brighter smile with natural-looking results. At Sailors Bay Dentistry in Northbridge, we offer a choice of Philips Zoom!™ in-chair teeth whitening or a home teeth whitening kit if you prefer to whiten your smile in the comfort of your home.

If you want to know more about teeth whitening in Sydney North Shore, contact our friendly team today. Call us on (02) 9958 0400 or contact us to book a consultation.

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How can I make my teeth whiter?

Teeth may become discoloured for a number of reasons. As well as natural ageing, your diet and lifestyle can also impact on the colour of your teeth. This includes food and drink such as tea, coffee and red wine, smoking and some antibiotics.

To help reverse tooth discolouration, our dentists in Northbridge can discuss cosmetic dentistry treatments to help cover up stains and brighten your smile. We'll give you all the information about the treatments we offer so you can decide which option is right for you. These include:

  • In-chair teeth whitening – laser teeth whitening using the Philips Zoom! system can brighten your smile by several shades in a single appointment
  • Home teeth whitening – our dentists can provide you with a custom home whitening kit to help brighten your smile in around 2 weeks with regular use
  • Veneers – placing dental veneers over the front of your teeth to change their appearance
  • Crowns – covering a dark or discoloured tooth with a tooth-coloured dental crown

Am I a candidate for tooth whitening?

Teeth whitening treatments can remove common types of stains, but not all types of discolouration. To be eligible for this cosmetic dental treatment, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Have good oral health
  • Not have severe teeth sensitivity
  • Not be pregnant or breastfeeding

If our dentists spot signs of a problem with your teeth or gums, such as tooth decay or gum disease, we'll help you to treat this first before your cosmetic treatment can begin, as it could affect your results.

If you have sensitive teeth or gums, it may still be possible to have a whitening treatment. Let our dentists know so we can tailor your treatment and help you feel more comfortable.

If your teeth have changed colour due to trauma from an injury or as a side-effect of medication, this may not be corrected with teeth bleaching treatments. We can discuss other options such as veneers or crowns.

Teeth whitening only affects natural teeth enamel, so if you have any crowns, fillings or other dental restorations, you may choose to have these replaced to match your new brighter smile.

To find out if you're a good candidate for teeth whitening or if you could benefit from an alternative treatment, call (02) 9958 0400 to schedule a consultation with one of our qualified dental clinicians.

Which tooth whitening option is right for me, Zoom In Chair or Home Kit?

We offer both in-chair and at-home teeth whitening at Sailors Bay Dentistry, depending on your preferences and your price range. Both types of teeth bleaching are safe and can help you achieve a noticeable difference in your smile.

Whichever whitening option you choose, we'll first arrange an oral hygiene appointment at our North Shore dental clinic. This gives us the chance to check the health of your teeth and gums and to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth that can affect the success of your treatment.

Home teeth whitening

If you prefer to have a treatment at home, it's recommended that you use a take-home teeth whitening kit provided by your dentist rather than buying a product from a store. We'll provide the right amount of bleaching gel you need and design custom trays to fit over your teeth, making sure harmful chemicals don't touch your gums.

Home teeth whitening takes longer than in-chair whitening. If you follow your dentist's instructions and wear the trays for around 1 hour every day, you should achieve your goal within 2 weeks.

Zoom! teeth whitening procedure

If you choose Zoom! teeth whitening in Sydney North Shore, this can usually be completed in a single visit to our dental clinic. This light-activated whitening system can whiten teeth by up to 8 shades and you should start to see results straight away.

After we've completed your oral health assessment, we'll protect your gums and throat from the bleaching agent and start to apply the powerful whitening gel to your teeth. The whitening agents in the bleaching gel are activated using a special light.

We'll apply the gel in stages until your teeth reach your desired level of brightness. This usually takes around 90 minutes, but can vary by patient.

Teeth whitening FAQ

We recommend that teeth bleaching treatments begin as close to a general check-up and hygiene appointment as possible. This is because the presence of dental plaque and tartar on the teeth will affect your results.

If your teeth or gums show signs of a dental problem, this will need to be addressed as a priority before we can begin a cosmetic dental treatment. Your gums may also need some time to heal.

In-chair and at-home teeth whitening treatments don't normally involve pain and discomfort. Your teeth may feel slightly more sensitive to heat and cold after the whitening gel is applied, but this should fade after the treatment.

If you have sensitive teeth or gums, we may use a lower concentration of bleaching agent and apply a desensitising gel to your teeth to help reduce discomfort.

Teeth whitening is safe when it's provided by a dental professional at our clinic or following our guidance at home. However, we'll make sure you understand what the possible risks are before you agree to a treatment so you can make a fully informed decision.

Teeth bleaching gels for home use contain hydrogen peroxide at safe concentrations. More concentrated whitening gels may only be used by a qualified dental professional in a clinical environment.

The risk of chemical burns to gums and other soft tissues is reduced when you use custom-fitted trays and use the correct amount of bleaching gel. Adding more gel to your trays will not whiten your teeth faster, but it will increase the risks.

You might have seen teeth whitening products on sale at supermarkets and pharmacies. While these are usually safe to use, the less concentrated bleaching gel they contain is not likely to produce results as noticeable as at-home whitening using a kit provided by a dentist.

As over-the-counter kits are not custom made, the bleaching trays also won't fit perfectly and the whitening solution may be unevenly distributed across your teeth. This also increases the risk of the bleaching gel coming into contact with your gums and causing burns or discolouration.

Teeth whitening is not a permanent treatment. If your brighter smile starts to fade, you can contact our clinic for a repeat treatment or a take home kit to top up your smile. We may also recommend using a whitening toothpaste to help you maintain your smile.

How long the treatment will last can vary from patient to patient. It depends on the type of whitening treatment you choose and how well you look after your teeth. Zoom! teeth whitening can last up to 3 years, but other treatments may need a top up after 6 months or 1 year.

Your white smile will fade faster if you don't take care of your teeth. You should try to avoid or minimise sources of stains such as certain food and drink and smoking and maintain good oral hygiene to prevent the build-up of plaque and tartar.

We recommend:

  • Brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes using a fluoride toothpaste
  • Flossing once a day to remove food and plaque from between the teeth
  • Cutting down on sugar and following a healthy diet to prevent decay
  • Keeping up with your regular dental check-ups and professional teeth cleaning

Want to know more about Zoom tooth whitening treatments? Call (02) 9958 0400 to arrange an appointment with a Northbridge dentist to discuss your whitening options and decide whether a cosmetic treatment is the right choice for you.

If you are based in one of these nearby suburbs – Castlecrag, Lane Cove, Chatswood, Artarmon, Crows Nest and Naremburn – and interested in our teeth whitening service, contact us today.

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