Dental FAQs

What are the patient requirements for Dental Implants?

Provided the anatomical and medical conditions are met, missing teeth can be replaced with the aid of an implant. But only after your dentist has undertaken a comprehensive assessment of your health, including a thorough oral examination and an X-ray of the jaw bone, can he recommend implantation. The basic prerequisites for an implantation are adequate bone quality and quantity, perfect oral hygiene, and normal wound healing capacity of the body. Before the implantation, your natural teeth will be made sound, and any gum disease will need to be treated and fully stabilised.

What is TMJ?

The temporomandibular joint is the joint of the jaw located in front of the ear where the skull and lower jaw meet, it is frequently referred to as TMJ. There are two TMJs, one on either side, working in unison. The TMJ is responsible for moving the lower jaw forward, backward and side-to-side. Pain or dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint is commonly referred to as TMJ. TMJ disorders are not uncommon and have a variety of symptoms. Patients may complain of earaches, headaches and limited ability to open their mouth. They may also complain of clicking or grating sounds in the joint and feel pain when opening and closing their mouth. What must be determined, of course, is the cause.

What can you expect from your veneers?

Veneers can last for years, depending on how well you take care of them. Because veneers are stronger than simple bonding, they are resistant to staining and chipping. Maintaining good oral hygiene and regular attendance for dental check-ups are an important requirement for the long life of your veneers.

What causes teeth discolouration?

There are many causes. The most common include aging and consumption of staining substances such as coffee, tea, colas, tobacco, red wine etc. Certain antibiotics or excessive fluoride may also cause tooth discolouration.

Why would I need a Crown?

A Dental Crown is often the best solution to replace large, worn fillings, repair a tooth that has cracked, has a very large cavity or has undergone Root Canal treatment. The crown covers and provides increased protection for the natural tooth beneath it. Crowns are also used to improve the appearance of natural teeth that are malformed, malpositioned or discoloured.

How often should I go to the dentist?

A regular dental check up is an essential part of your health regime. It is best to maintain a routine when going to the dentist by visiting every 6 months. You will benefit from regular dental visits along with your own regular cleaning and good oral hygiene which will result in good periodontal health.

How do I keep my teeth and gums healthy?

A regular oral hygiene routine including brushing and flossing your teeth is the easiest way to maintain the health of your teeth and gums. Brushing should be done twice daily and flossing each night. Regular dental check-ups are also important, around every 6 months, helping to prevent many dental problems. Prevention is better than a cure.

What benefits do white fillings provide?

Aesthetics’ are the main advantage. Dentists can now blend shades to create a colour match to that of the actual tooth, providing a natural almost indistinguishable appearance. Composites also bond to the tooth supporting the remaining tooth structure, helping to prevent breakage and insulate the tooth from excessive temperature changes.

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