Emergency Dentist

Emergency dental service

Dental emergencies can't wait. Whether you've injured a tooth or you have a sudden toothache, contact your local dental clinic to arrange an emergency appointment. The sooner you can see a professional dentist, the greater your chance of making a full recovery and the lower the risk of complications.

At Sailors Bay Dentistry, we're committed to providing a high standard of emergency dental care. If you're involved in a dental accident, contact our clinic for advice or to book an urgent appointment with an emergency after hours dentist in Sydney North Shore. We keep a number of appointments free every day so that our team can provide urgent care for patients in need.

If you need an emergency dentist service, call us on (02) 9958 0400 and let our patient coordinators know that you need immediate care or advice about how to manage your symptoms at home. For less urgent matters, you can fill in our contact form and we'll get back to you.

Contact Us

After hours emergency dentist

If you're an existing patient at Sailors Bay Dentistry, you can call our team any time until 10pm for advice and assistance about all types of dental emergencies. If you contact us after hours, you'll be diverted to our dentist currently on call.

If you need urgent assistance from 10pm–8am, you should go to the accident and emergency department of your local hospital. For less urgent enquiries, you can leave a message on our clinic's voicemail after hours and we'll return your call as soon as possible.

Our normal opening hours are:

Monday 8:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 8:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 8:00 - 19:00
Thursday 8:00 - 20:00
Friday 8:00 - 16:00
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed


If you need to talk to an emergency dentist in North Shore, call our friendly team on the number below and follow the easy prompts or visit our dental clinic.
Phone: (02) 9958 0400
Address: 62 Strathallen Avenue, Northbridge NSW 2063

Dental emergency tips

Knowing what to do in an emergency can relieve some pain and discomfort and help you avoid making the situation worse. It's still important that you visit the dentist so we can give you a complete check-up and discuss any treatments that may be needed to prevent further problems.

My tooth has been knocked out

If a knocked-out tooth is still intact and you can see a dentist within 1 hour, there's a chance it could be reattached. To improve the chance of saving your tooth:

  1. Pick up the tooth by the crown (the visible part of the tooth) and don't touch the roots
  2. If the tooth is dirty, rub it gently with milk or saliva (not water)
  3. Try to place the tooth back into the socket and bite down on a clean cloth to hold it in place
  4. If the tooth doesn't fit, store it in a container or plastic wrap with milk or saliva to keep it moist (not water)
  5. Visit an emergency dentist as soon as possible

If a tooth can't be reattached, you should still make an appointment to see a dentist so we can check your mouth for any other injuries or infection. We can also discuss options such as a dental implant or bridge for replacing the tooth.

We recommend replacing a missing tooth so that the teeth on either side of the gap don't become crooked.

My tooth is chipped or cracked

A chipped or cracked tooth can be vulnerable to infection or cause further injuries, so it's important to see a dentist as soon as possible to discuss your treatment options.

If a chipped tooth is sharp, you should cover it with a clean cloth or a piece of sugar-free chewing gum to prevent injuries to the soft tissues in your mouth.

A small crack may be sealed using dental bonding or a filling, but for a larger crack or a chipped tooth we'll usually recommend repairing the tooth with a dental crown.

Crowns are custom made by our dentists to restore the look and function of the original tooth. At Sailors Bay Dentistry, we offer same day CEREC crowns that can sometimes restore a tooth in a single visit.

My tooth has come loose

If a tooth feels loose or has come dislodged, but it's still partly attached to your mouth, there's a good chance it could be saved if you see a dentist straight away. To improve the chance of saving the tooth:

  1. Don't touch the tooth, as this could cause it to fall out
  2. Bite down on a clean cloth to hold the tooth in place
  3. If your mouth feels painful, place a cold compress or ice pack against the outside of your cheek
  4. Visit an emergency dentist to see if the tooth can be bonded back into position or discuss other treatments

I've lost a filling or crown

If you lose a filling, crown or other dental restoration, you might find it difficult to eat and your mouth might be more vulnerable to infections. Book an emergency appointment at our clinic so we can discuss your options for restoring the tooth.

White fillings and CEREC crowns and bridges can be placed in a single appointment. If you choose a traditional crown, this will involve several visits as your replacement crown will need to be manufactured in a dental laboratory.

I have a toothache

A toothache can be a common symptom of many different dental problems. If your toothache or dental pain has come on suddenly, you should book an appointment to see an emergency dentist for a diagnosis and possible treatment before a problem gets worse.

To help ease the pain of a toothache while you're waiting for your appointment, we recommend:

  1. Avoiding hot, cold or sweet food and drinks
  2. Using over-the-counter pain relief medication
  3. Rinsing your mouth with salt water to prevent infection
  4. Placing a cold compress or ice pack against the outside of your cheek

Whatever type of dental emergency you have, call our team at Sailors Bay Dentistry on (02) 9958 0400 to speak to an emergency dentist in Sydney North Shore today.

Emergency Dentist FAQs

Even a minor injury to your mouth can be a dental emergency if it affects your ability to eat, causes pain or sensitivity or might be putting you at risk of infection. Some cracks in teeth can be too small to see with the naked eye, but may still be vulnerable to bacteria.

That's why it's recommended to see a dental professional as soon as possible, so we can give you a comprehensive oral health assessment.

When you contact our dental clinic in Northbridge, we'll ask about the details of your emergency and the pain level you're experiencing so we can decide if you need an urgent appointment. We'll also offer advice on what you can do at home to ease pain, swelling and other symptoms.

If you need to visit our clinic, we'll carefully inspect your mouth and take any x-rays or scans necessary to help us diagnose the problem. We can then discuss any treatments we think may be needed and give you home care advice to help your recovery.

Emergency dental care is covered by most health funds if you have insurance that includes dental cover. We'll let you know what you're eligible to claim for and we can discuss finance options to help make your dental costs more affordable.

Many people have dental anxiety, the fear of visiting the dentist or dental treatments. However, giving in to this fear and avoiding the dentist can affect your oral health and mean you don't get the treatment you urgently need.

At Sailors Bay Dentistry, we offer sleep dentistry using nitrous oxide ('happy gas') to help anxious patients relax. You will still be awake during the dental procedure and able to follow your dentist's instructions, but you should feel more calm.

If you want to benefit from sleep dentistry, please notify us in advance, as a specialist may be required. Sleep dentistry may not always be available for same day emergency appointments.

If you need help or advice in an emergency situation, call (02) 9958 0400 to speak to an emergency dentist in Northbridge.

Looking for an emergency dentist and based in one of the following suburbs: Castlecrag, Naremburn, Chatswood, Artarmon, Crows Nest or Lane Cove? Contact us today.

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